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What is it that fuels you? For me, it’s Sectet garden. I love writing about my passions, what interest me, what interests others, and sharing all of my thoughts with my readers.

Sectet garden is truly my own little passion project, gaining more and more traction each day. I hope you enjoy browsing my site and all of the unique content I have to offer. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll discover what fuels you as well. Read on and enjoy!

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Abraham Lincoln

"The best way to predict the future is to create it"

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Your Go-To Source

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that. Sectet garden serves as a vessel to project my passions, and clue in my loyal readers as to what inspires me in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on.Welcome to Blog Secret Gardens. I'm Hanna Stojkovic, a freelancer from Belgrade (Serbia). This Blog is a good ground for all those who have gone through or had difficult moments in their lives. Opening the Blog, I was thinking about how to help people who have had events similar to mine. When I thought that the problems were finally over, because the children have grown up, I had a nightmare. How I got out of all life's problems you can read in the texts. I am not a doctor or psychiatrist before life problems. Mental disorders, rejection by those closest to you, exclusion from all social stations is just one of the stages you will have to go through completely alone. Coping with pain and many interesting topics are described in detail on the pages of the Blog. As a person who has struggled with a lot of mental problems, I want to share with you the texts and knowledge that I have overcome through years of struggle. Remind yourself that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that there is a way out of any kind of fight. Your suggestions as well as the experiences of everyday struggle, big or small, are always welcome.

-Write, I look forward to sharing experiences. Secret garden, your support both in difficult and in moments of victory.

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Abraham Lincoln

"The best way to predict the future is to create it"

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What is it that fuels you? For me, it’s Sectet garden. I love writing about my passions, what interest me, what interests others, and sharing all of my thoughts with my readers. As I have always loved to write, I decided after a great life tragedy to try to help people who are in a similar situation. This Blog is a perfect garden for all those who have gone through difficult and painful moments in life. I am neither a doctor nor a psychologist, I I am an ordinary woman who did not want life to break her into the abyss. It is true that after the death a child and husband you have little reason to live full of enthusiasm, but it is predominant in every person. Fight for life !! When I thought that all my problems had come to an end because the children had grown up, a load as heavy as a Pandora's box fell on me. Evil and trouble descended at the speed of light. Mental disorders, struggle with pain, denial of events, non-acceptance of destiny, depression, rejection, are passing stations where your train will stop. How much time? It already depends on you and certainly your will and strength. Secret Gardens is always there for you and I will gladly accept any comments or text you comment on. If you don't like the topic of the texts or theIf you don't like the topic of the texts or the attitude, ok, I respect you. He sends you a lot of support, your strength in dark times 🥰Secret Gardens. Sectet garden is truly my own little passion project, gaining more and more traction each day. I hope you enjoy browsing my site and all of the unique content I have to offer. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll discover what fuels you as well. Read on and enjoy!

USLOVI KORIŠĆENJAUslovi korošćenja Bloga Tekstovi se mogu koristiti u lične i nekomercijalne svrhe samo uz dozbolu autora Bloga ukoliko se navedu slede:i podaci:PREUZETO:Secret Garden + 

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Životarenje ili život

Living hedonistically is not jay gatsby and dorian gray. its like. i'm gonna make myself tea and sit by my window and watch the rain. i'm...

Ljubav vs Zaljubljenost

Isus Hristos, naš Spasitelj jednom prilikom je izgovorio ove reči: „Jer gdje je blago vaše, ondje će biti i srce vaše. Svjetiljka tijelu...

Dela,ne reči

Ljudi koji te vole uvek će razumeti šta god da uradiš. I uvek će biti tu za vas. Bez obzira na situaciju u kojoj su lično. Samo morate...

Ono kad ne znaš kako da kažeš

.....izuzetak od svega! #ljubav #brak #nasledje #gen #dete #tvoj #majka #sin #davanje

Živimo li u skladu sa sobom?

Da li živimo u skladu sa sobom ili smo ipak u nekom stalnom "tomorrow's mood" kada treba doneti odluku za sebe? Prvi deo naše mentalne...

Posveta i da čuvam cvet iz buketa...

21:52' zazvonio je mobilni i dobih obaveštenje da je objavljen ovaj post koji nema naziv.Pisan jeste na engleskom i za to postoji...


Zanimljivo je to kada naučiš u životu više stvari pa lepo možeš povesti razgovor na bilo koju temu. Čak da uzmemo da smo totalni laik za...

Kada duše umorne odlutaju.....

Gde je ljubav kada padne mrak kada više niko nije jak kad ponese svako svoju bol u krevet svoj gde je kad sve je uzalud gde je kad ne...


Kada odem na godišnji odmor idem sa namerom da se odmorim,opustim i maksimalno uživam. Da li svi tako doživljavaju? Ne,i ne čini mi...


Niko nije usamljeniji od onog ko izgubi sebe. Uvek pomalo odlomljeno od čoveka; kada veruje i bude prevaren, kada voli i bude ostavljen,...

Nekada je da, a....

Ukoliko odeš,nestaneš... Ti znaš da ja više neću biti ja,moje misli lutaće za tobom po beskrajnim prostranstvima moje mašte i svakog...


#sloboda #ljubi

Da li..

Možda Bog želi da sretnemo nekoliko pogrešnih ljudi pre nego što sretnemo onu pravu osobu, tako da kad je napokon sretnemo budemo svesni...

Da li ste odlucili, razmišljanjasvakdanja..

Te noći možda sam trebao ostati pored tebe,pored tvvog bola koj si imala u sebi i kajala se duboko što si me prevarila,kaže ne zna ni...

Život sa bolom

Sa vremenom navikneš da svaku dobru vest primiš sa određenom dozom skepticizma,straha.... Posle svih udaraca,svih šokova,stresova,padova...

Copy of Kroz život stekneš osobe slične sebi...

Nekada te osobe odu, nekada ostanu, a nekada dođu samo sa jednom namerom,da te povrede,unize,ponize,nanesu bol.... Onda ostaje samo jedno...

Nekad i sad

Nekada moramo prepustiti stvari da idu svojim tokom. Sve što želimo da uradimo nije dovoljno za trenutak uspeha,a verujte, duže ne traje....

Šta sa sobom posle gubitka voljene osobe 2

Istraživanja su pokazala da na skali stresnih životnih događaja, najveći stres kao i životnu promenu izaziva smrt deteta. Kao po pravilu...

Šta sa sobom posle gubitka voljene osobe?

Ima li nade za dalji život Nekim osobama je psihički gubitak osobe(raskid)jednako bolan kao i fizički. Naravno da pojmovi niti su isti...



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Thoughts. Experiences. Inspiration.

I’m so glad you’ve arrived. Sectet garden is where I share with you what interests me most, sparking your excitement so that you can nurture your own passions and projects. I hope you enjoy my site and all of the unique content I create. We all need something to motivate us. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll discover what exhilarates you. Are you ready to be inspired?

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In a Nutshell

I believe that being candid and authentic are key to thriving in today’s virtual world. My blog is a place where celebrating one’s personality, sense of humor, and heart are at the core of my site’s mission. Connecting with the world is what brought me to start Sectet garden.

Ever since I launched this project, the blog has been thriving and has quickly gained a loyal following. To see what I’ve been up to, browse my site, learn more about what makes me tick and find out what excites and interests you, as well.

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